Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bike Gear: How Much To Spend

To lots of people, money is know object and they can afford to pay for the top-of-the-line gear they want. Other people need to be more cost conscience and look for bargains.

There are as many brand-new bikes sitting unused in people's garages as there are in bike stores.

Well, that is perhaps an exaggeration, but it's certainly true that a great many people who take up a new hobby have a tendency to lose interest after a week or a month. Either they find they don't have time for it or they find they just don't enjoy it. But, when they first started out they were full of enthusiasm so they bought all sorts of expensive gear that they now no longer use.

So they sell it - at garage sales, on Ebay, or in those special newspapers designed for the purpose of selling unwanted material.

The careful buyer can pick up quite a few bargains this way.

Used Bikes and Bike Gear

If you're buying from a garage sale, you'll be able to test out the bike or the gear and make sure that it works properly. You don't have that luxury with Ebay, but the seller has various ratings boxes you can check to make sure they're legitimate.

How else can you save money while putting together your own biking ensemble?

Shopping Online

Well, although I hate to say it, the best thing to do is shop online. Online stores have more inventory than do most brick-and-mortar stores, and they are able to sell the equipment at such a discount that even after paying for shipping, you still save money.

The drawback here is that you want to ensure that you're dealing with a reputable store - if you send money to a fly-by-night outfit you might live to regret it.

Seats (or saddles - whatever terminology you use!), handlebar stems, brakes, and tires can all make a big difference in the quality of your bike ride. If you're looking to upgrade your ride, by all means do some comparison shopping. Check out the prices in your local bike store, and then check online.

If at all possible, of course, you should support your local bike store, just because they employ knowledgeable people who will be there when you need them. But if you find an item at a bargain price online, it would be foolish not to take advantage of it.

Local Bike Shop

It's always a good idea to have a good relationship with your local bike shop. Always assuming that the people who work there know their business. But if that's the case - you can get a lot of good information from t hem, and you'll be able to learn of any upcoming sales where you'll be able to pick up any bargains.

Alastair Hamilton is the editor of many articles on bike reviews published at http://www.bikecyclingreviews.com . A website with tips on bicycle parts, and many related topics: http://www.bikecyclingreviews.com/parts.html

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